Dzodze-Penyi Road

Penyi, Ghana

+233 24 944 0222


Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 17:00

Office hours

DNA Barcoding Technology and its applications

DNA barcoding is a molecular technique that uses a short, standardized DNA sequence from a specific region of an organism’s genome as a unique identifier, similar to a barcode on a product.
The primary goal of DNA barcoding is to enable the rapid and accurate identification of species by comparing the DNA barcode sequence of an unknown sample to a reference database of known species barcodes.

Here are some of the key applications of DNA barcoding in everyday life:
• DNA barcoding allows for the accurate identification of species, even when traditional morphological identification is difficult or impossible.
• It can be used to detect and prevent illegal trade of protected species by rapidly identifying the species from samples.
• DNA barcoding can be used to verify the species composition of food products, detecting adulteration or substitution of ingredients.
• DNA barcoding can be used in forensic investigations to identify the species of origin for biological evidence, such as hair, feathers, or plant materials.
• DNA barcoding can be used to identify plant and animal pests, pathogens, and diseases, aiding in disease management and control in agriculture and veterinary settings.

The widespread applications of DNA barcoding make it a valuable tool in fields such as ecology, conservation biology, food science, forensics, and many others, driving advancements in research,
policy, and sustainable resource management. This program is for senior high school tutors, colleges of education tutors, lecturers, researchers, graduates, and undergraduate students interested in understanding the technique and application in everyday life.

Register here

SIT Convenes stakeholder meeting at the British Council, Accra

Guest Attendee: Dr. Rich Roberts, 1993 Nobel Laureate in Medicine or Physiology

The meeting made these observations:

We recognize that biotechnological research has long been the cornerstone of medical progress, leading to groundbreaking discoveries, life-saving treatments, novel technology and improved wellbeing for millions around the world. However, the pace of scientific advancement is hindered by insufficient funding.

We have also witnessed remarkable breakthroughs in areas such as physiology, genomics, imaging, immunotherapy, environmental science, food and nutrition amongst others, offering unprecedented opportunities to address diseases once thought incurable and to improve the wellbeing of Ghanaians. Yet, many promising research ideas remain underfunded or stalled due to lack of financial support.

The youth are key to development. As such, student centred curriculum be developed where students do not specialise too early but are exposed to other disciplines to get them excited. This is expected to fuel the innovativeness that will attract funding.

    1. Practical training with hands-on experience
    2. Curricullum development focused on broad expertise and problem solving

Dr. Rich Roberts (1993 Nobel laureate in Medicine or Pgysiology) at SIT Penyi, Ghana.

The stakeholders’ meeting convened at Sena Institute of Technology (SIT) in Penyi was a significant gathering aimed at exploring the potential of biotechnology as a catalyst for community development. With representatives from various sectors including education, health, and local governance, the discussions centered on collaborative initiatives to leverage biotechnological advancements for the betterment of the community. In attendance was a special guest of honour, Sir Richard Roberts, a distinguished scientist and entrepreneur.

The stakeholders’ meeting at Sena Institute of Technology (SIT) served as a platform for constructive dialogue and collaboration towards harnessing the potential of biotechnology for community development. With a shared commitment and concerted efforts across various sectors, the envisioned initiatives hold the promise of fostering sustainable growth, enhancing agricultural productivity, advancing healthcare, and nurturing a knowledge-based society.

SIT Hosts a DNA Barcoding workshop at Penyi

The DNA barcoding workshop was organized in partnership with the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DNA Learning Center USA, DNA Learning Center Nigeria and Sena Institute of Technology, Ghana. Participants had the opportunity to extract DNA from various plants, amplify them and perform bioinformatics on sample sequences. The workshop was facilitated by Prof. George Ude, Mr. Michael Okoro, Prof. Tom Broker and Dr. Kwasi Agbleke.

SIT hosts the first FASEB conference in Africa in Ghana.

The conference objectives were to provide a networking platform for researchers in the bioimaging field and geneticists across the globe to meet and share ideas on the African Continent. Regions and countries represented included United States of America, Europe (France, Belgium, Switzerland), Japan, Ghana, Nigeria and The Gambia. A survey of attendees at the meeting showed that the conference received a rating of 4.2 out of 5 with about 70% concurring to being satisfied with the planning and meeting outcome. The conference ended with a high interest of participants to organize another event in 2025.


Dr. Tom Broker, FASEB and SIT visits the Minister for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation and the Association of Ghana Industries.

In preparation for the FASEB conference, the SIT entourage visited the ministry and the AGI to assess the role of SIT in bridging science and industry gaps for national development.

Dr. Tom Broker’s visit to SIT and the Ministry of Education

During an official visit to SIT, Dr. Broker made courtesy calls on Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, Minister of Education and Mr. Anthony Avorgbedor, Ketu North Municipal Chief Executive. Dr. Broker highlighted the importance of improving education for national development. The minister shared the ministry’s effort to strengthen STEM programs in the country.

Field Research on Marine Biodiversity Conservation Research

Documenting marine life has been one of the interesting projects currently ongoing at SIT. We concluded 2022 with a final field research to the Western Region of Ghana. The team collected samples from Elmina and Takoradi. By this effort, we have sampled more than 140 species across the major coastal regions of Ghana and processing the specimen for sequencing to properly identify them for future conservation efforts. Interesting specimen documented includes variable fishes, shark, sting rays and crabs. This effort is through our collaboration with the Ocean Genome Legacy of Northeastern University.

Denu, Volta Region

Ada, Greater Accra Region

Elmina, Central Region

Takoradi, Western Region

Collaboration on African Marine Biodiversity

We are excited to partner with the Ocean Genome Legacy, Northeastern University to sample and sequence marine biodiversity across Ghana. The project will enable us to study the extent of biodiversity in the region and provide data to protect its loss. Material from the work will be deposited at the SIT Sub-Saharan African Genome Repository for future research and also enable us to train the upcoming generation in genetics and biodiversity conservation. Read more about it here 

The Sena Institute of Technology has received its first Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval from the Ghana Health Services Ethics Review Committee to study the molecular genetics of fibroid among Ghanaian women, the prevalence of the disease in Ghana, and the burden of the disease on women and its impact on the Ghana Health system.
The work will enable us grow fibroid organelles in the lab, genetically profile them and identify markers of the disease; qualitative research to assess the impact of the disease on women; and establish the prevalence of the disease across multiple regions in the country.
With collaborators such as Fibroid Foundation Africa and University of Chicago Ob-gyn, we will explore fibroid through multifaceted approaches.

National Service Opportunity at Sena Institute of Technology
As we strive to make Penyi a Biotechnology hub in the region, the Sena Institute of Technology is recruiting its first national service staff this year. The interns will be working on the following projects.
  • Field research where we are documenting plants and marine organisms for conservation.
  • Molecular Biology where we use microscopy and genetic tools in the lab.
  • Fibroid prevalence and cell line generation.
  • Continue our training programs for high school students.

FASEB2023 in Ghana!!! 

Join the Sena Institute of Technology and the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) in Ghana for a week of talks on cellular imaging, workshops on bioinformatics and microscopy, and an opportunity to network with your peers and established scientists in cell biology, genetics, computational biology and healthcare. Abstract deadline is September 9th.

June 2022: SIT installs 20kVA Solar generation system

The Sena Institute of Technology solar power project is now complete at Penyi and can generate 20kVA of solar energy for our research work. We thank all our donors and supporters for making this a reality. The solar installation will take us off the national hydroelectric power grid, limit the frequency of power outages at our facility especially during the dry season and strengthening our capacity to take on daring long-term research projects.

June 2022: International fellowship and Fibroid Research in Ghana

This summer, we welcome Global Health Fellows from University of Chicago to the Sena Institute of Technology, Ghana. The fibroid project is in partnership with Dr. Ayman Al Hendy, University of Chicago Obstetrics and Gynecology Department and Fibroid Foundation Africa. Through this partnership we will document the prevalence of fibroid across Africa especially within Ghana and generate an African fibroid cell line. We thank Ms. Lillian Prince, Ms. Thembi Ndebele and Ms. Narvella Sefah and staff of the Fibroid Foundation Africa especially Ms. Liz Korasare.

This project is supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund grant for graduate and postdoctoral fellowships in Ghana. 


June 2022: SIT takes delivery of a Biosafety Cabinet

Today we are closer to our goal of generating the first African/Ghanaian Fibroid cell line, conducting gene editing research and generating DNA for genome sequencing at the Sena Institute of Technology Ghana. With the Sterigard III Advance biosafety cabinet installed and calibrated, we can start derivation of human, mammalian, yeast and plant cells and tissues at our molecular biology lab.

We thank Harvard University for donating the cabinet.

June 2022: SIT team plants 200 tree seedlings

Seedlings planted included cassia, neem and palm.  We thank participants of the tree planting exercise especially Ms. Annabella Nkansah, Mr. Humphery Thompson, Mr. Michael Agbleke, Mr. Alan Abaidoo and Mr. Cephas Adjei.

June 2022: Sena Aquatic Life conservation Project

The Sena Aquatic life conservation project kicked off with marine life documentation across Ghana Coastline from Denu in the Volta Region through Ada and Prampram (Greater Accra Region) to Cape Coast (Central Region).

The project’s goal is to sequence hundreds of marine organisms and is in partnership with the Ocean Genome Legacy, Northeastern University.

May 2022:
SIT celebrates its first training program

We thank Togbuiga Dadzi V, Paramount Chief of Penyi; Togbui Ekle II, Chief of Hatta; Togbui Axorlu II, Chief of Atsiagorme; elders; Hon. Charlotte Dordunoo, assemblywoman; Rev. Fr. Selasi Amegashitsi; representatives of the municipal assembly; and parents for their immense support for the Senior High School students who completed the Junior Training Program at Sena Institute of Technology at Penyi. It is indeed a pleasure to hear from our Paramount Chief words of advice for the students. It is encouraging to see a united Penyi working to give hope to the next generation, Volta Region and Ghana.

The students went through a 1-month intensive training in microscopy, plant database management and molecular biology where they extracted DNA from fruits.

April 2022:
SIT renews its Conservation, Food and Health Grant

Sena Institute of Technology renews its grants to documents plants in Ghana and their applications for food, therapy and supplements. 

March 2022: SIT receives epifluorescence Microscopes

SIT takes delivery of two widefield microscopes for transmitted and reflected microscopy. The donation is to support the microscopy core facility.

January 2022: SIT takes delivery of an RT-PCR machine

As part of our effort to conduct Covid19 testing in the Penyi-Dzodze area, we received the Strategene Mx3005 RT-PCR machine. The set-up is now available for use in the SIT molecular biology laboratory and for researchers across the country.


Sena Institute of Technology receives a $25,000 grant from Conservation, Food and Health Foundation.

Sena Institute of Technology Foundation receives a $25,000 to develop a Ghanaian crop database and biospecimen repository to help conserve medicinal and food plants.


Dr. Kwasi Agbleke, SIT founder, is featured on the Harvard Spotlight!!!

Read more about Dr. Agbleke’s work at Harvard University and his effort to develop research capacity in Ghana.


SIT African Seminar Series/Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Catalyst Conference

SIT hosts a FASEB catalyst conference on “Imaging cells to organisms for basic science and medical research”. The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Cassandra Extavour (Harvard University). Four other distinguished speakers include Dr. Kim McKim (Rutgers University), Dr. HaithamShaban (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, and National Research Centre, Egypt), Dr. Vincent Amarh (University of Ghana) and Dr. Doug Richardson (Harvard University).

For more information, check calendar


SIT receives a $100,000 grant from the New England Biolabs

SIT receives a grant from New England Biolabs. We are grateful for the grant which will enable us expand our research into plants and develop capacity to promote local research and technology development.

For more about the award here.


SIT African Seminar Series

Dr. Andrew Seeber at the Harvard Center for Advanced Imaging discusses precision genome engineering and chromatin mobility.

For more information, check calendar


SIT African Seminar Series

Dr. Tom Broker at the University of Alabama in Birmingham launches the inaugural African Seminar series on “Imaging cells to organisms for basic science and medical research”. He will discuss site-specific recombination and the application of Electron Microscopy for DNA and RNA discovery.

For more information, check calendar


SIT 3D printing lecture series

Mr. Jordan Pelowitz will be giving an online lecture on 3D printing through Zoom.

For more information, check calendar


SIT president was featured on the Personal Genetics Education.

Dr. Jumana Abed interviewed and wrote a thought provoking piece on Dr. Kwasi Agbleke, President of Sena Institute of Technology and founder of TrickleS.
Kwasi stands at the shipping office in New York City to make sure the paperwork is in order for all the lab equipment he is sending off to Ghana: fridges, freezers, incubators, centrifuges, even glassware. This is his seventh shipment within two and a half years. Every few months, he shops around for secondhand equipment, has them delivered to his home in Boston, MA, packages everything, and then drives the packages to New York City in a rental truck. Back in his hometown in Accra, Ghana, his mom and sisters receive these shipments, and then his younger brother drives them ……. The full story is published here.