Dzodze-Penyi Road

Penyi, Ghana

+233 24 944 0222


Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 17:00

Office hours

Sub-Saharan African Genome Repository (SSAGR)

For many researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa, getting access to biomolecular materials is a big huddle. We receive donated strains and make them affordable in the sub-region. Our repository enable scientists to access a wide range of products from plasmids, viruses, bacterial strains, yeast strains and cell lines. Especially during this COVID-19 pandemic, scientists in the Sub-Saharan region need these resources to facilitate their research efforts.


E-Herbarium database

In this global era, many farmers are substituting local crops cultivation with foreign crops that have been well characterized. As a result local food crops are fast vanishing and food diversity is gradually shrinking. It is our goal to reverse the trend by creating an electronic database of local food as we strive to ensure food security and diversity. We will work with farmers through workshops and focus group discussions on sustainable farming practices as well as better characterization of local crops and plants. As a pilot project we have created a database like this one shown below. This is a joint effort of SIT staff and the community as a means of preserving local crops.


SIT Fab lab

Technology Incubator is a lab space open to the general public to empower people with innovative ideas to transform their ideas to reality. We will provide the environment to train, coach and support young innovators to develop solutions to problems of our changing world. We also support innovators who are at advanced stages of development to deliver their products to the African market.


Scientists in developing countries have limited access to current research data to enable them pursue their work efficiently. Limiting challenges include access to print and electronic publication, conferences and seminars. Our solution tackles the seminar organization part of the problem. TalkCoast is a platform that connects professionals and researchers visiting the continent with institutions. This matching service reduces the institution’s cost when inviting the speaker while infusing current research data to scholars.