Dzodze-Penyi Road

Penyi, Ghana

+233 24 944 0222


Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 17:00

Office hours

Public Health, Medical Sciences and Health Policy

Major goals as a discipline are:

  • Promote public health awareness.
  • Research into the medical and clinical sciences.
  • Develop policies to promote health and longevity.


Medical Trends in Ghana:
Our objective is to assess health changes in Ghana over decades to determine health needs in the district. By working with local clinics, we will conduct longitudinal research on outpatient diagnostic data in the last decade or so to establish medical trends. This information will serve as guidance for local and regional policymakers in making health decisions moving forward. Also, we will develop programs to convert paper forms to digital inputs during the research process.


Drug discovery:
Support local herbal medical practitioners(alternate medicine) to deliver efficient treatments to patients. We will follow patient treatment options and recovery. Also, with we will extract the active ingredients in herbal formulations for treating emerging tropical diseases. With this approach we can track the next global epidemic such as Ebola and Zika and curtail global disease outbreaks and provide disease surveillance.

Current Projects:

  • Longitudinal studies of the health of residents of the Ketu North District.
  • Microbial culture of bacteria isolated from sites of injury.
  • Characterization and isolation of active ingredients in medicinal plants used in Ghana.